My photographs are my self-portrait, true to who I am. I don’t shift with trends, I don’t conform to groupthink, and I reject the sick ideology of political correctness.

Woman eating chicken on the couch, Rome, 2009
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I like strong women, those who know what they want and how to get it. The ones who don't bend, who don't surrender, who manage their sensuality and sexuality with intelligence and a certain amount of arrogance, dominating the scene. In short, those who scare many men.

Model with cigarette, New York, 2012
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Dominatrix, Argentario, 2014
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I’m not after a polished aesthetic. My photography rides that razor edge between good and bad taste.

Duetto, Rome, 2024
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I’m not interested in photographing a dreamy, romantic, delicate woman—that kind of photo is damn boring. I don’t photograph the soul, I photograph the body. I want a tough, aggressive woman.

Woman spitting water, New York, 2013
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